Here at iRide we are forever looking into how we can become better riders and communicators, for our wonderful horses. Whilst our ridden audio training has become a valuable tool world wide, we wanted to extend our library offering you a 360 degree view, of training at its best.
The library we aim to build will cover topics that open our minds to how our horses think and behave, as well as breaking down how we process information, and how it impacts our horses development.
The Repeat Ethos (Alison Short)
The Repeat Ethos
This audio opens the mind to not just the frequency of each exercise ridden, but how to factor in recovery days from training, understanding your horses responses and how to interpret signs of over training.
By thinking and processing as riders we can improve our aiding, lower session intensity and help prevent repetitive strain injury.
(Length: 58 mins)

Ever wondered why some days you don’t seem to get the best results from your schooling session, well this audio aims to enlighten you with the thought process to bring steady correct development.
We all know that in order to learn something we have to master it through practice, but considered how this impacts on your horse’s mentally and physically development is the key to his longevity.