About Us

iRide Training
the company

Alison Short and Simon Hughes are co-founders of iRide Training.

Alison has been involved with horses for 36 years and became passionate about dressage despite riding BSJA prior to that.

“I soon began to realise that I was a control freak when I didn’t like heading towards jumps at speed!”

The “ignorance is bliss” route didn’t work for me and I soon realised that rhythm was the key to better balance. By the time I was 17 I started helping friends to improve their horse’s way of going. In the late 1980’s I found myself with an opportunity to work for and train with Swiss Olympic rider Doris Ramseier, grabbing every opportunity to ride Olympic team horse Orlando.

Alison lives to train and has an unmistakable clarity to her approach, moulding her knowledge to suit each combination.

Simon met Alison through training with her on her school master Baroque II, some 20 yrs prior to this Simon had show jumped up to Foxhunter.

“I was inspired by the effectiveness of each small aid and how influential my weight was.”

“It made me question how different my fiery chestnut mare would have been had I had this
knowledge, and how many more poles would have stayed in the cups!”

Alison and Simon aspire to make clear quality training available to everyone, no matter where you are, at what level or budget. Our aim is to help you to communicate stress free with your horse or pony, creating a clear path to successful training, whether that is for competing at the highest level, for grass roots or just pleasure.

Simon Hughes & Alison Short