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Maximising Your Marks – BE 102 (Alison Short)

Maximising Your Marks – BE 102

BD judge Alison Short guides you through BE 102, movement by movement, to help maximise your marks.
No more silly mistakes and loss of marks for inaccuracies and a valuable tool to learn your test with, now you won’t just remember where you’re going but how you’re going to ride each movement… genius!

(Length: 30 mins)

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This series will help you to know what the judge is looking for giving you tips on positioning for each movement.
Alison discusses how to develop a supple balanced picture with tips on placing transitions whilst entering a corner rather than exiting, creating quality walk trot transitions and riding 10 metre loops accurately with suppleness.
An invaluable tool for any competitor riding this test! Watch this space for more BE tests to come.

Price: £4.99

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The Repeat Ethos (Alison Short)

The Repeat Ethos

This audio opens the mind to not just the frequency of each exercise ridden, but how to factor in recovery days from training, understanding your horses responses and how to interpret signs of over training.

By thinking and processing as riders we can improve our aiding, lower session intensity and help prevent repetitive strain injury.

(Length: 58 mins)

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Ever wondered why some days you don’t seem to get the best results from your schooling session, well this audio aims to enlighten you with the thought process to bring steady correct development.
We all know that in order to learn something we have to master it through practice, but considered how this impacts on your horse’s mentally and physically development is the key to his longevity.

Price: £4.99

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Spook Busting (Alison Short)

Spook Busting

Alison explains why horses spook and how to channel your training to overcome your horse’s tension and maintain focus.

(Length: 28 mins)

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With clear confident advice on how to develop a clear path forward, Alison uses exercises to develop effective aid reactions that you can tune your horse into especially at competitions. By using three quarter lines, ten and fifteen metre circles and progressing into basic leg yielding, Alison helps you gain your horse’s confidence. These exercises are aimed at teaching your horse to yield away from the inside leg aid, even with the tension we often experience on competition days.

Price: £7.99

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Perfecting Your Centre Lines (Alison Short)

Perfecting Your Centre Lines

Helping you ride the perfect centre lines, giving you tips and exercises on how to make a good first impression with straightness and accuracy.

(Length: 23 mins)

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Starting with a brief insight into how to gain maximum marks through understanding your test movements and marks, this download helps you ride the perfect centre line! With use of the three quarter lines and discussing how the rider’s position directly affects the horses balance, this download gives you clear and precise instruction on how to ride straight and accurately. With smooth rhythmical turns at the beginning and end of your test, and with straightness you now have the tools to gain that first impressive mark! A must have for the dressage enthusiast.

Price: £7.99

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Balanced Canter Transitions (Alison Short)

Balanced Canter Transitions

Working through walk and trot transitions with detailed instruction on posture, through to basic sitting trot helping you achieve effortless canter transitions.

(Length: 31 mins)

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A detailed yet progressive guide to riding precise effortless canter transitions.
Guided step by step through transitions from walk to trot developing better leg aid reactions, through to improving your sitting trot in the lead up to canter.
This download is thorough, yet easy to digest with clear exercises highlighting the need for preparation prior to canter transitions. Improving combined balance and harmony through creating better rider body awareness and understanding its positive effects. Encouraging greater use of the horse’s engine by bringing more weight back onto the hind legs.
Pair this download with “Making the Right Connection” and you will have a true understanding of enhanced balance and engagement, feeling your way into balanced transitions. With clear detailed postural awareness these download’s develop greater core stability and aid the horse to work with a supple rounder back, developing hind leg engagement.

Price: £7.99

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Lengthened Strides in Trot (Alison Short)

Lengthened Strides in Trot

Giving clear exercises to encourage you and your horse to develop the pushing power needed to develop lengthened strides in trot.

(Length: 27 mins)

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Through the use of 10 metre circles, gaining more control of your horse’s engine (the hind legs), this download will leave you with a clearer understanding of true lengthening of the trot, not running through the bridle and onto the forehand.
With use of various exercises your upward and downward transitions within the pace will correctly develop, making clear and balanced transitions helping you gain the higher marks.
Pair this download with Amy Stovolds ” Developing Pushing Power” to help you maintain more weight on your horses hind legs, helping you move up from Prelim to Novice. Both these downloads are easy to follow, helping horses and ponies whatever their scope or ability.
Both these downloads enhance the transitions to a greater level, equally for the more established combination.

Price: £7.99

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Making the Right Connection (Alison Short)

Making the Right Connection

This detailed download helps you create the right connection giving you unique exercises with insightful comparisons, guiding you through transitions and sensory aid reactions.

(Length: 40 mins)

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If you have enjoyed Alison’s detailed downloads you won’t be disappointed by her sixth release for iRide, “Making the Right Connection”.
This download will enhance every combination at what ever level with unique exercises focused on containment of energy, enhanced balance and creating a supple round back, this is a real gem.
Starting from correct aiding from walk halt walk, tips on extending and collecting the walk along with developing the half halting aid that is carried through all paces and levels of training.
This is a must have download with detailed analogies giving you the inspiration and confidence to succeed!
Pair this download with “Balanced Canter Transitions” and you will truly improve your core stability, enhancing your horse to take more weight onto his hind legs and developing greater engagement.
Every time you listen to this download you will glean another useful training tip, “Making the Right Connection” will be one you will return to again and again.

Price: £7.99

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Simple Steps to Long and Low (Alison Short)

Simple Steps to Long and Low

Working long and low is frequently talked about but too often assumed that every rider can achieve it!
With exercises for all types of combinations, Alison discusses straightness, rider’s posture and correct aiding, and with clever analogies, develops a partnership that works long and low through a supple back and with the horse’s shoulder staying up.

(Length: 45 mins)

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Working Long and low correctly helps to develop elasticity through the horse’s body attaining a looseness to the paces whilst remaining in balance. Common mistakes are covered such as lowering the neck with the hands and pushing your horse onto the forehand.
Alison breaks down the correct aiding to create a horse with a supple body that steps through to the rein elastically, with a shoulder that stays up.
If you have enjoyed The Circle of Contact and Making the Right Connection, this is truly your next step to enhancing the paces and gaining another huge tool in your training box!
This download also covers the correct giving and retaking of the reins, half halts through moments of collection in trot and various suppling exercises suitable for all levels.
Pair this download with The Circle of Contact and Making the Right Connection and you will see huge improvements in your postural awareness and effective aiding.

Watch Laura & Archie

Watch Jake & Rufus

Price: £7.99

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The Circle of Contact (Alison Short)

The Circle of Contact

Our best seller to date gives an introduction into the subtle communication through the contact, taking you step by step through the rein aids for suppleness and better sensory reactions to the horses mouth.

(Length: 47 mins, version 2, 2012)

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Exploring both you and your horse’s understanding of the rein aids, their subtle requests and the ability of the rider to maintain an elastic feel to the rein through walk and trot exercises.
A must for any rider wishing to develop feel and an ideal for the young horse to learn how to work confidently to the rein, as well as the older or stiff horse who has become less submissive to the contact.
Helps to reduce resistance; hollowing, mouth open, leaning, lacking connection, unsteadiness in the contact, tongue issues and loss of balance (through circles turns, lateral work and transitions.)
Pair this best selling download with “Making the Right Connection” and you will revolutionise your sensory aid awareness between you and your horse, creating a light subtle feel to your partnership!

Price: £7.99

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Logical Lateral Work (Part 3) – Travers (Alison Short)

Logical Lateral Work (Part 3) – Travers

Leading you confidently through clear and clever exercises Alison guides to your first steps of travers.

Pre-travers exercises help you to perfect correct aid responses and give you clear visual checks as you ride, this inspiring lesson gives you the confidence to take the next step to (Part 4) half passes

(Length: 35 mins)

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Alison never fails to give you confidence to take a step up when often you can feel confused by how to ride the various lateral movements.
With clear descriptions of aiding, pre-movement exercises and visual images of how your horse should respond you will soon be able to identify your own issues and rectify them.
Starting in walk Alison shares some of her unique techniques encouraging you and you horse to create supple bend and move laterally into the direction of the bend, something that is often over complicated or assumed that you understand.
For those more advanced this covers why the rhythm often is lost in the half passes, helping develop lateral work with suppleness power and reach.

Price: £7.99

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Logical Lateral Work (Part 2) – Shoulder In (Alison Short)

Logical Lateral Work (Part 2) – Shoulder In

Shoulder In and Shoulder Fore are both discussed and incorporated into a series of movements by linking 10m circles and short diagonal lines.

(Length: 36 mins)

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Keeping it simple is the key for all lateral work and Alison has a knack of leading you towards your goals with fabulous results.
With clear visual pointers and a check list for postural corrections and there positive effects this is a must in your download library, leading you gently towards (part 3) Travers!
There is a real one-on-one personal feel to this session, with Alison capturing all those small errors that often occur and giving you moments to pause and asses how effective your aiding is and what bad habits can creep in. Alison’s enthusiasm leaves you with a real sense of achievement and a confidence to move forward to part 3 of the series.
Pair this with Making the Right Connection.

Price: £7.99

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Logical Lateral Work (Part 1) – Leg Yield (Alison Short)

Logical Lateral Work (Part 1) – Leg Yield

Whether taking your first few sideways steps or checking your correct positioning for the leg yield, this download is invaluable.

(Length: 30 mins)

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Alison takes you step by step through a series of exercises and training patterns to develop aid reactions and correct postural positioning. Working through each exercise in walk and then trot you will soon find yourself riding effortless leg yields both directions, both towards and away from the track. With this being the first download in the Logical lateral Work series you will be chomping at the bit for part 2, Shoulder In.
Too often lateral work is introduced and the aiding and positioning becomes a muddle. Through Alison’s easily digestible and enthusiastic sessions you have all the help and support you need to ride perfect leg yields, helping you to develop equality to bend and straightness on both reins as a result.
Pair this with Alison’s “The Circle of Contact”.

Price: £7.99

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Hairy Hopefuls Part 1 (Alison Short)

Hairy Hopefuls Part 1

Improving Self Carriage

Your Horse Expert Alison Short guides you through turns on the haunches & walk pirouettes.

(Length: 16 mins)

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With step by step aiding and clear positioning for both you and your horse, Alison will help you create a greater degree of self carriage.
As featured exercises with Kim and Martini, why not progress to the Logical Lateral Work Series Shoulder-In & Travers, helping you lighten the forehand and improve suppleness.

Price: £7.99

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Hairy Hopefuls Part 2 (Alison Short)

Hairy Hopefuls Part 2

Lose the Tension

Alison works through exercises that create a reactive yet subtle flexion of the horse’s ribs, asking for greater connection inside leg to outside rein.

(Length: 20 mins)

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Broken down into three simple steps, demonstrating first in walk the desired responses and their effects on relaxation.
Soon you are cantering shoulder fore, 15m circles and leg yield.
Thinking outside of the box when training is the way to avoid tension and aid better harmony, you won’t be disappointed in the results.
Pair this download with ‘Making the Right Connection’ or ‘Balanced Canter Transitions’ and you will soon see greater harmony.

Price: £7.99

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Hairy Hopefuls Part 3 (Alison Short)

Hairy Hopefuls Part 3

Balance and Coordination

Alison describes in simple terms the coordination required for leg yielding, with key points on weight, rider positioning and clever visualisation techniques, soon leading you to effortless achievements.

(Length: 18 mins)

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Working both towards and away from the track, Alison covers all possible eventualities of learning this lateral movement.
Inspiring and easily digestable training that gives you confidence to take your first steps towards a better way of going.
Why not pair this with ‘Balanced Canter Transitions’ and follow the simple steps to fluent transitions, just like Jax in Part 3 of Hairy Hopefuls.

Price: £7.99

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Hairy Hopefuls Part 4 (Alison Short)

Hairy Hopefuls Part 4

This is the fourth of the Your Horse Hairy Hopeful series, Channeling Enthusiasum.

Alison covers two exercises to help you make use of your horses power and enthusisum, the first is lengthened strides in trot, then moving onto simple changes in canter. Pair this download with Balanced Canter Transitions or Making the Right Connection and you will be sure to create a better harmony through these exercises.

(Length: 20 mins)

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Working precisely through clever exercises for better self carriage and balance, Alison will soon have you channeling your horse’s enthusiasum.
With a personalble and detailed descriptions on straightening leading to balanced medium trot strides, Alison has you moving on and back with smooth transitions.
If your horse needs calm consistant aids in his canter work to keep control of his power, you will love the canter exercises using half ten meter circles, working on simple changes canter,walk,canter. Whether you working towards your first few medium steps or progressing to elementary you will gain some fabulous tips.

Price: £7.99

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